
June 22, 2019

White Dog was feeling a little depressed. Momma sickies, her own achy impingement, and the demands of a busy weekend left her in a funk. I spoke to Steve last night about taking her along with him for the e-Waste Recycling Collection but Pumpkin was packed with no safe place to take precious white cargo for the ride there; and it was going to be over ninety shadeless degrees at the parking lot event.

I held the Little White Dog of My Heart close. "Sweet One, I know it is taking me a LONG time to get well and we keep having unexpected twists, but we ARE making progress...slow but real progress. Please keep believing. And first thing Monday I will call Dr. Julia about having a look at your back. I know we try not to give you drugs but there is nothing wrong with some reasonable pain management; hurting colors your world and zaps your energy. Let's go in and see what she says. I love you with all of my heart and when your world is troubled this momma wants to make it all better. Feel my love."

She let me pet her for a brief time; she and I in a bubble together ignoring everyone else. Then she looked up at me sadly and asked for help getting down. I kissed her head and my heart quivered.

"I love you Baby Girl, we all do. Don't discount the power behind that."


Gus said...

We are hoping that Dr. Julia can help today, pull another wise diagnosis out of her store of knowledge, but until then, sending much love and prayers.

Random Felines said...

sometimes love isn't going to do everything...we hope you all are feeling better soon