
June 23, 2019

White Dog nodded at Roman. "The Go-Go Boots of his vet visit are reaching the crazy itchy point," she said. "Do you think you or dad could talk our Don't Touch Me Boy into having a bit of salve rubbed onto the shaved parts?"

I shook my head but shrugged and called Roman to me. "Hey, Buddy, looks like you are chewing at your ankles. I know new furs growing can be uncomfortable. Would you let me try to make it feel better with some goo?"

I reached out and touched the bald spot and he jumped back. "You can sniff. It won't hurt. You will like it. He took a step closer but when I held out the jar he moved to lie on his feet in the hallway.

Steve took the cream and tried sweet talk but as soon as he entered the hall, Roman grunted and headed outside.

I looked at WD. " Um, I do not think the idea of soothing relief is something your brother is interested in. Let's hope those furs grow fast."

1 comment:

meowmeowmans said...

Poor Roman. WE hope those furs grow fast, too