
July 11, 2020

White Dog was awake but resting when she got Asta's call. She and White Dog were working on The Crown Princess Fontinbras speech at the end of Hamlet before WD fell ill. Her sweet terrier friend was calling to check on WD's health but White Dog insisted on hearing the progress of this most important monologue. "PLEASE," White Dog begged, "take my mind off all these health ickies. Read me your lines and then I will give you a full report."
Asta ran off to get her notes and popped back up "in character" with a refreshing drink to clear her pipes. She set the scene: "In the final scene of the play, Hamlet and Laertes fence one another in front of ClaudiusGertrude, and the other royal members of the court. Hamlet scores the first point in the match but refuses to drink the poisoned wine when Claudius offers it to him. Instead, Gertrude drinks from the same chalice after celebrating Hamlet's second point. Laertes then stabs Hamlet with the poisoned rapier, but after a quick scuffle, Hamlet manages to grab the poisoned sword and wound Laertes. Suddenly the queen collapses, and Laertes explains Claudius' treachery. Hamlet then wounds Claudius with the poisoned sword and forces him to drink the poisoned wine. The entire royal family dies, and Horatio tells the tragic story to Fortinbras so that Hamlet's memory lives on. This is Fontinbras' response.

let us huwwy up to heew it, And call the no blat to the awdiance. Fow me, wif sowwow I embwace my fowtoone: I haf sum wights ov memwy in dis king dum, Witch now to klaim meez vintage dof invites me.

White Dog whistled and cried "Brava!" And Asta took a Zoom bow.

"Now, tell ME," urged Asta. "What is going on with your health and recovery?"

White Dog took a long breath. "I did all right last night and this morning my temperature was starting to creep up a little so momma gave me tylenol. I had oatmeal and cream for breakfast and I got a bath. I am kind of wobbly from all this and am not walking well so going out is tough. Then tonight I just could not eat (well except for a few spoons of vanilla ice cream hehe) and dad went to the store and brought home pediolyte and blueberry frozen fruit bars in an effort to entice me to drink more. I understand now when momma says not being able to move is the worst because everyone forgets you are still able to THINK and use your head. I guess we just keep taking one step at a time and hope for improvement. Tizenegy and Pearl have been great hanging with me. Bella, bless her little confused brain, thinks this is a special place to rehearse. If she comes in and does Gertrude's drinking poison scene one more time, I will scream. Yep, I guess I get crabby just resting here."

"Mommi is drawing her finger across her throat. I think she wants me to not overtire you. Feel better and know my whole family is sending love, healing and smoochie kisses. Goodnight."

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