
July 12, 2020

White Dog listened carefully as I explained that I would wrap my arms around her as she rested on her side. She would be safe and she much needed the hydration. We would listen to Satie and continue talking.

She looked a little alarmed as Steve brought the line and its needle around to her back. "Don't look at him or think about it. There will be a pinch and a prick as dad sets the line, then we just relax until the water flows under your skin where your body will absorb it and refresh you." My Girl, like me, is better dealing with things if she knows ahead what is going to happen.

White Dog has nibbled a bit but has been remiss with drinking; the pedialyte helped by by pipettes, there just was not enough going in. I left a message on the machine at the vet clinic and sent the practice manager an email asking if any staff would be going to the clinic to feed and walk hospital pets and if they could let us run by and pick up fluids to do a subcutaneous drip. We were in luck and Steve met the caregiver late this afternoon. We now had the tools to get to Monday without an ER visit.

White Dog's temperature all day had hovered at 102.5F with the help of baby tylenol. She had refused breakfast, enjoyed some grilled chicken at lunch but was not into liquids of any kind. But every time Steve would carry her out, she left a tiny puddle.

My biggest concern is her inability to walk. A very excited Steve brought her into my arms for kisses before dinner prep started to say she had taken a few very shaky steps and that in general (as he worked in the office) she seemed to be moving her body around more on her bed. It appears her right side is stronger than her left but strength is maybe returning. 

After dinner, the subq fluids and her tylenol, White Dog was tired. Steve set her gently on her bed and all of the WDA nuzzled her forehead with reassurances that they would watch over her. We will wake her to go out one more time and take her temperature...treats if she is interested.

First thing on Monday we will call Dr. Julia with weekend report and to strategize. Where did the weekend go?


TimberLove said...

We are with you mates,

Nuk & timber

meowmeowmans said...

Just know we love you, sweet pals, and that we continue to send all good thoughts, purrs and prayers your way.