
October 17, 2020

 White Dog and I share a few moments after dinner to cuddle and sum up the day. It s sort of an early pre-goodnight because walktime and the following treats make it hard for one-on-one sentiments.

When we began gently confining Bella so that she would stay safely indoors during the night, I made a habit of holding her while Steve set up her special bedroom in the gated bathroom. As he put down a mattress, her blankie, fluffy stuffie, and turned on a soft nightlight, I held my senior Tiny Dancer against my heart and whispered appreciation and love.

She has adapted well to this routine and sometimes has drooping eyes before Steve lifts her from me to add HIS nite-nites and tuck her in. We have found that most nights this ritual is calming enough that she curls up and goes right to sleep.

1 comment:

meowmeowmans said...

Aww, that certainly is a very special ritual. XO