
April 3, 2021

White Dog is very supportive of Bella and tries hard to understand the complexities of her sister's cognitive dissonance. She calls for help when her sister has gotten herself pinned in a tight spot in the office or needs to be wrapped in a hug and regrounded. White Dog tries to be patient when Bella wants to get close and show how much she loves her leader. But Bella can be overwhelming; especially for a girl still healing herself. At those times Steve stages an intervention and removes Bella from the office for a bit to give WD a chance to get comfortable and destress.

Today when Steve swooped in to the rescue, we were prepared. "Come on Bella B. How about a nice warm bath and then momma will wrap you in soft towels and cuddle you?"
The soothing gentle water and suds were calming. Then dripping wet Bella was wrapped in layers of towels to be cuddled dry. I had saved the biggest plushest towel for when she was pretty well blotted dry then transferred her and wrapped her like a burrito. She was still asleep when Steve carried the precious package back to the office and placed her on Tizenegy's bed.

1 comment:

meowmeowmans said...

That's what we love most about the WDA. Everyone looks out for each other. XO