
April 5, 2021

White Dog looked out of the patio door, sighed, then turned away. I leaned down to see what she had viewed.

"Hi, Bailey," I called out. "Whatcha got out there? Show me what you are hiding?" She hunkered over her prize and wooed, "Why nothing at all, momma!" 

"Bai. Bring it!" She turned on her selective deafness, mute momma, button. I had no choice but to use my secret weapon. I grabbed the soft cookies jar and held it so she could see; then I rattled it. "Look what I have for you." She thought for a second...

...before picking up what remained on the plastic bread sleeve and trotting into my arms. "This is the loaf that dad left on the counter, isn't it?" She shoved her nose at the treats demanding payment for her "Bring IT!"

"Maybe she was planting slices in hopes of growing more of that tasty oatmeal bread," Opal suggested. "Sure, planting slices in her tummy," Steve said as he took the shredded bag from my hands and walked away.

1 comment:

meowmeowmans said...

Yikes. I guess there won't be any sandwiches at your place today!