
April 9, 2021

White Dog understood and was thrilled at Roman's reaction. Bella has had a rough couple of days with her foggy brain and has unintentionally been overwhelming to her siblings as she ignores personal space and moves compulsively. They are patient to a point but then seek to escape.

Bella's manic behaviors are often a trigger for Roman and he reacts by baring teeth and snarling which frightens our Tiny Dancer which increases her erratic-ness which heightens his reaction.

Today, however, Roman tried a different, better thought out, response...he walked calmly past her while averting his eyes and headed outside. 

I believe he knows Bella no longer remembers how to use the dog door and he felt safe in the yard warmed by the sun and lulled by birdsongs. I am not sure he understood why Steve came out to check on him and rewarded Our Boy with a couple of strips of duck jerky...but in our mind they were well deserved.

1 comment:

TimberLove said...

We love you Roman,

Nuk & family