
April 8, 2021

"White Dog," I said, "I am sorry but I need to turn you on your back and take a look." She did not like being hoisted upside-down in my arms or having Steve and I peer at her private parts. I understood but that look reinforced my concern that she has developed a urinary tract issue. "Sorry, for the invasion of your privacy, Sweet Girl, but tomorrow I will call and you will need to go see Dr. Julia before this infection rages and becomes painful." WD was NOT happy with my announcement.

Barely had I set WD back on terra firma when Steve said, "OH.MY.DOG!" He was in the bathroom doorway with the mission of releasing Bella from a calming timeout. Except based on the blood streak along the side of the bathtub and down Bella's ruff it had been anything but calming. He brought the kicking and struggling Tiny Dancer in to me so we could try to figure out the damage and what had happened.

It took a little rocking and soothing before Bella would let us look in her mouth which seemed to be the source of the red smears. "Baby Girl. what DID you do?" I asked her as we curled lips up and felt along gumlines. She snapped her head away when I gently felt along the inside of her check; I moved my hand away quickly to avoid getting nipped. "OK, Bella, I think I get it. You were pacing around and around and smacked into the tub, huh? THAT caused you to bite the inside of your cheek so hard it was bleeding. Poor Girl. Dad will help wash up your furs and then we will rinse you mouth with some water. I think you will be all right but just be more careful when you are whirling around."

"OK, Army, enough for tonight. Everyone stay in one piece and healthy; momma is not good with multi-car pileups."


Brian's Home Blog said...

Poor sweeties, we hope all is okay super soon.

Random Felines said...

Good grief....

meowmeowmans said...

Oh no! Poor Bella. We hope you all had a more peaceful and less eventful rest of your evening.