
May 13, 2021

White Dog felt well enough by late afternoon to wave away all of the attention. "Truly, thank you all, but I can barely breathe without one or another of you wanting to check my oxygen sat or listening to my heart. It is very loving but boring for you all. PLEASE take a break, go outside on this lovely day, play chase, then come in for treats and tell me what each of you did." 

White Dog looked at photos and listened to her siblings adventures over afternoon snacks. "I love that you all went out into the day and had some fun," she told them. "What about you, Bella?" 
"I played Hide-And-Go Seek all by myself...and I won every tgime!" she said excitedly. "Dad cannot believe the places I find to squeeze into. He says if it were not for my barking for someone to find me he might have to look all night!" 

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