
June 17, 2021

White Dog smiled at Bella's report of her vet visit. "Maybe Bella being taken off of prednisone will make Baby Shark disappear," she said.

Steve told the gathered White Dog Army that when he shared Bella's new nickname that came from her zooming across the room jaws wide to engulf the treat holder's entire hand, Dr. Julia scoffed. "Try it," Steve challenged her,  "but I hope you have quick reflexes." 

Bella was lying on the exam table when our great vet turned to face her holding a dog cookie from the jar kept in the office. Before Dr. Julia could even position the treat in her hand and show her, Bella had slip-slide-shimmied across the metal table and grabbed the biscuit AND the skin web next to Dr. Julia's thumb. In typical Bella fashion she had not broken skin... just left an angry red spot with tooth impressions. Dr. Julia looked at Steve, "you DO know this will be reflected in your bill," she laughed. "The pred food frenzy will take a couple of days to wear off so keep minding your fingers and hope that her continually improving eyesight makes her aim more accurate. Or give her much bigger treats. Let's check back in two weeks"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a flipping hoot...I needed that picture & laugh!!! Thank you!

Take care & stay cool,
Lucy (Troy, Ohio)