
July 12, 2021

White Dog sighed heavily and asked Steve, "WHAT has Roman's motor running at high speed so early in the day? Nurse Lyndzy is not due until afternoon and besides that is his 'I Will Shred You' threatening bark not his 'Oh Hi, Lyndzy' greeting/"

There is a new cat in the neighborhood. Not feral, we think, for it wears a collar and seems well tended but it is free roaming up and down the block, crossing the street, and hiding under vehicles. This big tabby has developed a liking for sunning in the middle of our of our driveway. The concrete is nicely warmed and by early afternoon a portion is pleasantly shaded from the fierce direct sunlight. But it is in clear view of our Army's Watching Windows.

The White Dog Army finds it impossible to ignore the kitty's "sit-in" and will loudly call out challenges which are for the most part, ignored. In fact, the cat sometimes seems to goad our bedtime walk teams by sitting silent until Zso and Bailey step onto the front steps and then mewling and piteously wailing to get attention. At these times, Steve must be sure he has a very tight grip on leashes to prevent cat-astrophe.

Kitty is unapproachable so we cannot tell if there are id tags on the collar and we have not yet figured out who neglectfully owns this feline. We live a scant block from a major thoroughfare and worry for the cat's safety. Maybe I am overly optimistic thinking that the human connected to this cat would care about the upset that cat roaming free causes at our house...and probably others...but surely, I tell myself, there MUST be concern that it not be run over or mauled or something tragic. 

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