
October 30, 2021

White Dog said to Zsofia, "There is a story to that old, never used crate and it starts with you."

She was referring to the relatively tiny blue crate that Steve had removed from the bedroom to make way for a proper side table next to his side of the bed. For YEARS it has been used as an ersatz nightstand in the hopes that SOMEONE would use the interior space. Now it would be flattened and stored with our myriad of others dog "stuff."

The cute little bedroom was originally purchased when we were expecting Zsofia. This momma had not a clue as to just how big Sibe puppies were...or how quickly they grew. It was abandoned immediately and replaced with the huge suite she and Bailey often share; momma figured on her second try to go "bigger is better."

Steve tried to entice Sachi to sleep beside him in the little bed but Sachi carried baggage from pre-rescue that caused him to cry piteously when crated...even when the door was open. He went in there exactly twice as a "time out" that was more punsihment for us than it was a learning moment for him.

In all of the crate's life only Bella, deep in the clutches of her cognitive disorder, would wander over to the far side of the bed, climb into the nest, and forget how to find her way out. Several times when she went "missing" we found her curled up, asleep. But she wanted nothing to do with it otherwise.

Zsofia looked at White Dog in disbelief. "I was supposed to rest in THAT? I would have to be a contortionist! Thank dog momma knows better now; the next baby will have the benefit of MY training her."

I looked at My Itty Bitty Baby Girl, "um, a NEXT time is not in the plan, dear girl. I cannot imagine puppy energy filling our lives now."

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