
January 8, 2022

We are pretty certain Diva did not come from a background that embraces the food diversity we do in The White Dog Army. Most times it takes the enthusiasm of the others to entice our Littlest One to join the crowd asking for samples. Before taking whatever it is, she sniffs, touches it with her nose, then timidly takes it in her mouth, goes over against the couch, and holds it between her paws. She watches the others before attempting a real bite.

Take Brussels Sprouts for example. They are a HUGE favorite with the WDA going all the way back to Sachi who thought food that you could roll was amazing. They were on tonight's menu and samples were distributed as I prepared them for steaming. I searched through the produce bag and found the smallest sprout, trimmed the end, took off the loose leaves, and held it out to Diva. 

The others had each eaten several as Diva chomped and sorted, resorted, munched more...but she WAS eating it. She took so long that Bailey went over to mentor our veggie neophyte...
...or was it to vulture? Turns out the Little One is oblivious to such intimidation.

After what seemed an hour Diva finished and just two leaves remained...which Opal swooped in and hoovered up.

1 comment:

meowmeowmans said...

Diva will most certainly learn how to embrace that food diversity. After all, she has the best teachers!