
December 10, 2022

Diva and Lilly snuggling into my lap
We got up too early to eat breakfast this morning, so we all went into the living room to enjoy some cuddle time. "Gee, dad, this chair is perfect for Diva and me, especially when we're sitting in your lap," Lilly blurted out as she settled on top of me. "Lilly, you're not really a lap dog, you know. You weigh about 50 lb, and are quite substantial." "But, dad, Diva doesn't take up any room, so there is plenty of room left for me." "It's a good thing that Bailey and Zsofia don't want to climb up with us," I laughed as they settled across the room on the couch. 

Roman was at the front window watching for any movement outside, as always. Saturdays are meant for relaxing and doing yardwork, which I managed to accomplish after it warmed up to the 50's later in the morning.

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