
March 17, 2023

"Oh, dad come out and play with us! It's snowing this morning. You know how snow happens here. It snows in the morning and it's completely gone by afternoon. We're snow dogs. It's in our blood to like this weather!" Bailey said excitedly.

"I'm on my way out right now, Bailey. Remember that I need to remove the snow from the car before I leave for work, so I don't have a lot of time to play." "You have a lot more time than you think you have. I heard you listening to all the business and school closings on the radio, so you can go in a little late to work." Bailey answered slyly. "Aren't you a clever girl. I love playing with you ladies (and Roman) in this weather. Here I come!"

Yes, the snow was gone by afternoon, and the roads were clear of any snow at all, so I'm glad Bailey brought me out to enjoy playing a little. As I was cleaning off the car, our neighbors were enjoying the snow, too. They're from El Paso and haven't ever seen a lot of snow, so mom and dad were chasing their 12 year old girl around the front yard while they made and tossed snow balls from the sparse snowfall.


1 comment:

meowmeowmans said...

We sure are glad you all got to have some playtime in the snow before it all melted away. :)