
Match 18, 2023

"Gee, now we can start calling you dad rather than Uncle Steve!" Shayna and Hazel exclaimed in unison. "I know we're not exactly the right colors to join the White Dog Army, but thanks to all of you for welcoming us so warmly and especially to you, dad." 

"Shayna, you and Hazel have been such wonderful additions to our pack. I'm glad you've decided to call this your home forever. Not a day goes by that I don't enjoy your company, your joy for living, and your enthusiastic barking at the mailman. Shall we all adjourn to the kitchen and share a meal together?"


meowmeowmans said...

Welcome to the WDA, Shayna and Hazel! It's the most wonderful and loving forever home you could ever find. XO

TimberLove said...

Hawwoo! What a fascinating development BOL!! Play bows,


24 Paws of Love said...

What a wonderful place to call home. ♥