
June 30, 2012

White Dog and the White Dog Army, as promised, was awake and ready to help at 7am when Steve, Gregg, Candace and Michael began to set up the merchandise in our neighbor's parking lot for our Yard Sale. Right on the corner of the block and within sight of Route 66 (down which would flow a parade in a few hours), the lot allowed us room to spread out the great selection of bargains we had collected and others had donated. People began stopping by even before we had finished setting up.

With Steve's brilliant strategy of "Most Things Only $1" we drew lots of folks walking by after the parade and of course, the serious Yard Salers, who are sort of a cult group that hits the sales every weekend. I suspect we also had a lot of visitors who were drawn in by six smiling floofy white faces barking invitations.

By the time we closed down at 1pm, the temperature was 100 degrees (and the WDA back in the house where it was cooler). We had done amazingly well for our 2MillionDogs Cancer Fighting Fund and took the gratefully received remaining items over to Barrett House, a resale shop that benefits homeless women and children. Even though it was early in the day, The White Dog Army and all of the humans were exhausted.

With an early supper and left with treats the White Dogs did not complain too mightily as Steve and I dressed (without too much enthusiasm) and headed north to Santa Fe for the Opening Night of Opera Season. We love this time of year and Santa Fe is a world class venue and production group, but part of us would have been just as happy tonight in minimal clothing lying on the bed with the pups watching Opera on the television.

Once there, of course, our excitement returned as we swirled with the others on this Opening Night and filed in to see one of Bizet's earliest operas, The Pearl Fishers, which has not been performed in 40 years and which was a premier at the Santa Fe Opera. The set was incredible (fitting the SF Opera's reputation), the voices sublime, and the orchestra in fine tune. Steve had a great time exercising his French, while I relied on the electronic translator which each seat contains. You hear and see Bizet's youth in this work (he was 24 when he composed it) which was simple and usure of itself. Iwas said the ending libretto was rewritten 11 times until the "surprise" ending which we saw was hit upon. We enjoyed the production and seeing the maturation that occured between this work and Carmen, which he composed 12years later.

The WDA listened to above synopsis of the night when we returned home well past midnight and, as is our tradition, shared a bit of our tailgate picnic leftovers...this time perfectly runny brie mixed with kibble. And then, goodnight!


Dachshund Nola said...

Congrats on the yrd sale! Sounds like the opera was fun

Brian's Home Blog said...

A successuful yard sale and a fun opera in the same day sounds like lots of fun!

Berts Blog said...

Whoa, what a day and 100 degrees to boot. I bet the house did feel good when you got home.


Kari in Alaska said...

oh I know that feeling of not really wanting to go to something but then being glad when I did but its always hard after a tiring day

Stop on by for a visit

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I was just looking at how beautiful your blog is!
Good job on the sale!

Sagira said...

You all are just angels and so amazing. I am so very proud to call you friends.

I am so happy to hear that your sale went well.