
November 17, 2013

White Dog sat on my lap in the sunshine on the patio at Starbucks; Taiko rested his head on Steve's knee. We were meeting friends for a much deserved moment of just conversation and togetherness. After the hectic-ness of this past week, it felt REALLY good.

White Dog likes this spot because of the sunny people watching but more because the dog bakery is three doors down in this development. We had promised the rest of the White Dog Army special treats when we returned. So Taiko and I visited a bit more as Steve and WD went shopping (and sampling). They returned with pumpkin cookie bones and little apple cinnamon training treats...of course Taiko had to approve before we could give "see you soon" hugs and head back to White Dog Ranch. After 3 samples of each, I had to make the call that he liked them since he was still claiming to be "undecided."

Back home, we all sank into Easy Sunday like we were vacationers swimming in warm tropical waters. No agenda, no plans, nothing tugging at us...only time to be together and share the rest of the day noshing, napping, and nuzzling. It was bliss as potato leek soup simmered on the stove filling the house with autumn aromas (although the WDA truly enjoyed the smells of bacon sizzling later when Steve made the BLTs to accompany the soup). Michael, and the pups, were just as thrilled at the success of his attempt to make chicken vegetable noodle soup from scratch.

We spent time reliving the beauty of the Candle Light Tribute (and in wishing that attendance had been more worthy of such an incredible effort). But we all agreed that the night and the honor paid to those amazing Warriors was powerful and full of hope. We will post a few photos once we get the shots and movies assembled from the variety of people who recorded the Event so you can share.

But for today, our choices lie more in brushing soft fur than in tapping on the keyboard...and in totally immersing ourselves in the cocooning haven that is just us at home. Have a beautiful day.

1 comment:

Kari in Alaska said...

enjoy your down time while you have it

Stop on by for a visit