
December 5, 2013

White Dog moved even closer against my legs and we bunched the bedcovers around us as Steve drew open the blinds and announced, "It's snowing!" This caused a minor stampede as Taiko, Puff and Bella dashed out to see for themselves. Yo walked to the window, snorted and came back to rest on the side of the bed. I heard Oso moving deeper into the warm hallway.

Steve thrust his phone in my sleeping face, "See? This is the front yard."
"Oh my dog!" I exclaimed, " it is REALLY snowing not just a few flakes here and there." "Wet, heavy, and cold to the bone. Just like Chicago snow. Had to shake the branches of the juniper in the courtyard, poor thing was drooping and groaning under the snow's weight." he replied. "Good reason not to leave the house," I said and dove under the blankets.
At that the phone rang. It was Dr. Julia's office. Puff and Bella had appointments this morning; Puff for her annual checkup and Bella to followup on her ear infection which seems to have cleared up nicely. It was their front desk saying Dr. Julia was trapped by the weather at her house out in the country and could we reschedule? "Woohoo!" Puff woofed, "now we DON'T have to go out!"  The cold wet air is not good for her lungs so I was happy to see her spend her time close to the heat register and my afghan.
Oso joined us and we alternately watched the continuing snow and ignored it....until nature called...
When Michael got home he was delighted by the "snow quilted with all of the dog tracks in the yard." He tried to get the White Dog Army to go out and play as he swept the ramp and stairs but could convince no pup to brave the cold or resulting wet paws...and even HE was not thrilled to hear that temperatures were expected to drop to the teens and that his morning bus wait would likely be frigid.

"Double up your socks," Taiko advised him. "and keep moving around." "Better yet," YoYoMa suggested, "pray for a snow day!" The White Dog Army, born of the Nordic breeds, built for winter, nurtured to be divas...every one!


Sagira said...

It is snowing here as well. We are supposed to get 5-9" today. Sure looks pretty. :)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Could you please send that snow to us? We would love some. All we have is bitter cold.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

KB said...

It sounds like you and we got the same storm system. I hope that you're all staying warm and dry!

Andrea said...

Noooo! I don't want it to snow! >.<

The Daily Pip said...

Sounds like a perfect day to stay cuddled up inside!!

YourSpecialDog said...

Oh snowing is so great , it gives to the city a festive and beautiful atmosphere :), nice meeting you , and welcome to our blog