
December 27, 2014

White Dog looked at Steve. He had just crawled partway under the momma chair and retrieved an artifact from Bella's treasure trove. This item was so precious it required TWO White Dogs to guard it under the chair...the usual keeper of the treasury, Bella, AND her sister, Zsofia. (Yes, the "Baby" can still get under the chair but to do so she must stretch out to her fullest, flattest length and sort of shimmy her way under, head turned sideways; I know one day VERY soon she will get under and be like Winnie the Pooh-- stuck and unable to go under or get out ).

There had been snarling and complaining and VERY loud woo wooing when Steve invaded the cave.

He held up an old VERY chewed plastic bag punctured with LOTS of teeth marks. "Looks like something the girls found in the yard," he said as he got to his feet and started toward the trash.

Momma's have a sixth sense. "Let me see that," I said reaching for the still wet, gummed plastic. Steve handed me the bag and I turned it over.

I looked to the cart on my right. "Yep, it sure is, momma" WD confirmed. "They stole it right off your cart."

It was a bag of Wild Boar treats we had picked up at the fancy pet store feeling guilty that we were out having dinner and the pups were at home missing us. The White Dog Army loved the treats...except that they were too rich for Taiko and Puff. Both threw them up whole. I set the treats aside, tightly sealed, the day before thinking I would offer them to my friend who has three huge young Labs when she stopped by later in the weekend.

I am sure no one will be shocked at the news that the bag as Steve retrieved it was totally empty.

I called Bella and Zsofia out from under me. "Now!" I added to emphasize momma was NOT pleased. Zso scrambled out first and rested her head in my lap as she licked my hand. "You, too, Bella, front and center." She crept out and sat next to her sister trying her best to be charming as she did her Tiny Dancer and begged pretty. "I am telling you right now, if either of you gets sick from all of those treats you better drag your self OUTSIDE before you purge. There will be no sympathy from me. You brought this on your self...and I am not even sure about after walk treats for you!"

Zso jumped for the bag. "Don't even!" I warned.

1 comment:

bichonpawz said...

My girls have a habit of grabbing bags like that too! So happy to hear that you had a wonderful Christmas!!
xo Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug