White Dog and YoYoMa were park bound for the monthly Meeting in the Park for Paws To People. It was a perfect New Mexico Spring day of seventy degrees and brilliant blue skies.
Once there we walked with our friends and talked about games that mentally challenged bored pups.
Then we stopped for ice cream after (PLEASE don't tell the rest of the White Dog Army)! WD thinks Zsofia already suspects there were treats involved because she suspiciously sniffed YoYoMa's breath when we came through the door.
Beth with Allie and Jax |
Dave and Toby read pup mail left behind |
White Dog chats with Linda and Penelope about her progress toward becoming a therapy dog while Steve and YoYoMa lead our friends on a strut through the park.
Now that's a meeting I would enjoy
Did I hear the word ice cream!!!!
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