
March 16, 2016

White Dog looked around the room. "Wow! you look like you partied all night," she said with a snicker. SHE had been prudent in sharing a few late night bites of birthday cake before retiring to her room to sleep.

The REST of us, unknowingly, signed on to carrying the celebration from yesterday's birthday into the wee hours of today. Steve got home from teaching a little after 11pm. The White Dog Army reminded him of the promise for a second round of birthday cheesecake before bed.

So while quick prebed walks were taken, I readied the cake pack-style...on the plate with forks for sharing. The plan was after the final walk we would all huddle on and around the bed to share bites of cheese heaven while at the same time giving Puff her nightly TV time to put her into sleep mode.

"I am beat," Steve said. "Do you think anyone will mind if I find something to watch that is only half an hour long?" The White Dogs did not mind as long as cheesecake was served. So Steve went in search of a short view.

"Here's one every one will like and it is only 29 minutes long, Mr. Peabody and Sherman." I loved the cartoon as a child so agreed without a second thought. The opening told me it was redone from my nostalgic thought but the WDA was instantly engaged so I leaned back with a hand on Bella's head and Puff at my hip.

The movie was amusing and did manage to maintain some adult "insider" references...Like Einstein on The Beach, a reference to the Philip Glass opera and subsequent Counting Crows hit. After a bit I stretched across Steve and looked at the clock.

"My love, we are WELL past 29 minutes here. I think this is a full-length movie and it is probably an hour and 29 minutes. It will be nearly 2am by the time it is finished. We can just stop here."

"We can't just quit in the middle of the movie," Steve responded. The White Dog Army with the exception of Puff was fast asleep, tummies full of cheesecake.

"Why not?" "Puff and I have to see the end."

More than an hour into this kid animation, there is a scene where the boy, Sherman, is called a "dog." This taunt caused a fight at school earlier in the movie. This time however, the look in Mr. Peabody's eyes and prompted Sherman to give an emotional tribute to his canine "dad" that began "if being a dog means being caring and loyal and always being there..." and ended with "then I AM a dog!" Slowly everyone in the movie was echoing the sentiment..."I AM a dog."

Steve stroked Puff and whispered, "Me too." and to me, "See, THIS is why we had to see it through. Dog movies are the best!" Everything was quickly resolved and all lived happily ever after.

Three minutes later Puff was tucked in, lights, were out, last good nights given and sleep filled the room.

Watch it with your pup but I suggest an earlier start time.

1 comment:

Random Felines said...

those late nights are killer....but it sounds like everyone had a good time :)