White Dog and the White Dog Army were all over the large-ish box that arrived this morning. There was much attention given to sniffing and protecting the package. So intense was their focus that Steve was nearly halfway through the process of making breakfasts before any pup noticed and hustled out to the kitchen.
Last week, White Dog and I had a marvelous phone conversation with a manager from Wet Noses Dog Treats. He called to reach out to customers and do a bit of promotion. His wife was involved in rescue and our White Dog Army of 11 captured his interest. He suggested that an Army needed an army-sized package of treats and let us know that some of the White Dog Army's favorite flavors, the pumpkin in particular, came in a 15 lb. bucket.
While he talked, WD quickly did the math and wagged her delight at both the volume and the affordability to the WDA budget. And then he sweetened the deal with an extra discount because of the work we do both in rescue and for Paws To People...and threw in free shipping.
He laughed as I asked him to hold while I quieted the VERY excited White Dog Army. The purchase was made.
And the box on the chair was the result of WD's negotiating skill as she claimed it.
Steve sliced open the box and drew out the white plastic bucket. He showed it around the room and then set it aside. The Army shifted uncomfortably.
"I think you are forgetting something. Something VERY important," I told him. "Nope," he replied "there is nothing else in the box."
The WDA pressed closer. "Umm, the free sample," I pointed. "You are forgetting to hand out free samples."
"Oh, yeah."
*Smiles* Something tells us the WDA wasn't about to let you forget about the free samples. :)
Look at all those cookies!!!!!!
of course - you can't have a whole bucket of new treats and NOT do a taste test :)
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