
November 24, 2017

White Dog laughed at Steve's reminder that we had to bake more of YoYoMa's "special" cookies. "I guess when you have an Army, something always needs to be cooking." That brought all of the rest to gather around and find out what was being prepared...and if samples were to be given.

YoYoMa gets a special cookie when after walk/prebedtime treats are given. They are extra high-protein treats. Because of his IMHA,  he gets extra protein to fill in the gaps across the day. The bedtime cookies are meant to see his body through the night.

A mix of quinoa, Parmesan cheese, black beans, chopped turkey and eggs, the cookies are not specifically medicinal and all of the WDA covets them. On cookie baking night all get a tiny nibble just for official approval. And believe me, YoYoMa makes sure the portions handed out are small and one per pup.


Sherry Blue Sky said...

So wonderful. And the dog cookies sound heavenly. Lucky puppies!

hanna M said...

that puppy looks so cute