
June 24, 2018

White Dog sighed. "If only you were a documentary filmmaker, momma, " she said. I wrinkled my eyebrows. "I have an idea for the perfect short movie. I call it "From Box to Burp" and it stars my sisters as it follows the life of a single plain tissue."

I laughed at her. "No really, picture this..."

"A happy tissue sits in the box with its pristine little head peeking through the slot and waving in the cool breezes of the swamp cooler. You reach up and pull Tissue out to wipe the allergy gunkies from your eyes. Then you set Tissue, now a bit crumpled, on your tall night stand. And you leave the bedroom.

"Bailey waits until you are out of sight then hops up on the bed. She sniffs around then stretches her head to grab Tissue with her teeth from the stand. Just then she hears dad heading her way. Off she jumps and tucks herself into her sleep crate, Tissue clenched in her mouth.

"Bella, curious to know what her sister is hiding, sticks her nose next to Bailey to discover her treasure and grabs one end of Tissue in a tug for control that tears Tissue into two pieces. Bailey swallows her share down without chewing; Bella runs to rest beneath the Hiding Chair where she can shred HER portion of Tissue into confetti.

"Opal, who is sitting between my feet in the same chair, hears Bella's activity and pushes her head under the front of the chair. She emerges with a mouthful of Tissue to turn into a pulpy chewing gum. Bella and Bailey both stand nearby to watch Tissue's End Times.

"Opal chews slowly, like a cow working on cud, and finishes with the flourish of a loud belch.

"Tissue fini."

"If only YOU had thumbs Sweet Girl, and a newer phone than mine, this could be your award-winning debut to a stellar career in motion pictures.  Alas, Tissue is already gone and the opportunity has past. Maybe something else will come up."

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