
January 21, 2021

White Dog suggested that we make a change to where Bella spends her nights. She is gated in the bathroom with her own mattress and blankie and nightlight to keep her safely indoors at those times her dementia overcomes her and she manically wanders. She does not complain but does not like being separated from the rest of the family.

"We can try this tonight, sort of a girls' overnight," White Dog said. "And if it works maybe we can consider it permanently." She proposed that Bella sleep in the office ("which is familiar and where she already spends a good part of the day helping dad") and that White Dog would allow the door to be gated to keep Bella inside and safe. ("I don't think I would like the door closed but a gate would be ok since I could be heard and seen.")

"I think Bella would enjoy knowing there is someone else in the room with her," White Dog continued, "And in a way, I kind of miss company since Tiz no longer fills his bed." Steve and I considered the benefits: Bella would not be crashing about in the hard surfaced bathroom until her sleep aids kicked in; White Dog's bed suite would give her plenty of personal space even if Bella wandered around; both girls would have a sleep buddy; and Bella would have the choice of several different beds for those times she felt like Goldilocks; Steve could access the bathroom at night without having to awaken Bella.

"White Dog, this is a thoughtful caring plan. Are you sure you are all right with Bella wandering around in the wee hours? Or maybe waking you? I know you kept an eye of Tizenegy's discomfort at night during the last part of his journey, but are you SURE?"

"Momma, Bella has her dental tomorrow. She is going to be all weirded out from not being home, having the procedure and then waking in a vet kennel. Let's at least try my plan tonight and give her a secure feeling. I will invite her to a special Girl's Night and hopefully she will be excited in a good way. And if it works we can just continue. PLEASE?"


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