
September 19, 2020

 White Dog nose-bumped her sister. "You look and smell wonderful Opal! Dad did a fabulous spa day on you. There is not a trace of gunk or whatever you rubbed your neck in the other day. Have you claimed your "patience" treats yet?

Opal came into the bedroom where we were cleaning up clipped nails and wet towels. "White Dog mentioned that patience treats come with the deal?" I laughed and reached down to gather her into my arms; she jumped back.

"This is not a trick, Little One," I told her. "You sat nicely in the tub and let me dry off the drippy wetness. You did not shake all over my glasses. You were so very patient while dad trimmed your nails and cleaned your ears. I was going to give you a hug and a kiss of thanks as well as those well-earned cookies, but if you just want me to hand them to you..."

Opal jumped up and sat next to me on the bed. For that my clever heart-string-tugger got and extra.

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