
October 5, 2021

White Dog laughed, "Opal has a whole system she has developed since deciding it was safe to leave you unattended and get some fresh air."

"First, she sets up a perimeter of her most trusted toys around you, momma. Lambie is at the foot of your bed; bear and flamingo are in the crate; and snakey you can't see because he is protecting you behind your computer cart."

"Opal goes outside but stands right at the bottom of the dog door ramp, just listening. If you were to cough or call for help she would be back through the door in an instant. She stands there a few minutes and then RUNS down to the yard to take care of business. She rushes back up and pokes her head through the door to just take stock of the situation. If all the stuffy guards are still in place and you are continuing to work, she goes back into the sunlight."

"She settles near the ramp, again so she can oome inside if she is needed. Only then can you see her draw in a deep breath and relax in the warmth. Don't tell her I noticed but the other day she turned on her side and actually took a sunnap. It was nice to see."

"When she comes in she gathers all the toy guards into the crate and gets a debriefing from each."

1 comment:

24 Paws of Love said...

Opal, you are just a doll taking care of your momma like that!